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President Masoud Barzani's message on the anniversary of the September Revolution

Today marks the sixty-first anniversary of the outbreak of the Great September Revolution.  In this nationwide revolution all sections of society participated in the national and democratic struggle of their people. All the components of our society  fought alongside the Kurds under the leadership of the late Mala Mustapha Barzani against oppression and occupation<span dir="RTL">. </span>


<span dir="RTL">‏</span>The September Revolution was a revolution of will and self-confidence of the Kurdish people and laid a solid and organized foundation for the continuation of the Kurdish people's struggle and resistance against oppression.  The September Revolution with its high values ​​and the steadfast and committed leadership, Peshmerga and the masses, made the legitimate cause of the Kurdistani people to take a big step forward and become a source of strength for other stages of the Kurdish people's struggle<span dir="RTL">.</span>


<span dir="RTL">‏ </span>On the 61st anniversary of the September Revolution, I highly value the role and hard work of mothers, women and all the Peshmergas, fighters and heroes who played a role in this national pride.  Both the heroes who were martyred during the course of the revolution or no longer alive today , and the proud individuals who participated in the revolution and are still alive.  These heroes made history for their people and are a source of pride for all of us<span dir="RTL">.</span>


<span dir="RTL">‏ </span>Masoud Barzani

<span dir="RTL">‏11 </span> September 2022


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