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The Central Committee of Kurdistan Democratic Party statement about the first meeting after the 14th Congress.

Today, President Masoud Barzani chaired the first meeting of the new Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), which was formed during the 14th Congress of the Party. 

His Excellency President Barzani started the meeting by congratulating the members of the Congress whom successfully been elected and became members of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.  His Excellency also asked them to live up to the trust of the people by working to convey the message and recommendations of the congress in the service and interests of the people of Kurdistan, and the various organs of our Party.  

 The main focus of the meeting was the next stage of our Party, the implementation of the new program and principles, the implementation of the recommendations of the congress and the necessary steps, especially in terms of Kurdistan, Iraqi, regional and international relations.

Also discussed in the meeting was the importance of strengthening relations with Kurdistan political parties through dialogue. KDP remains committed to strengthening party-to-party relations for the interest of our people and we look forward to opening a new chapter with all political parties in Kurdistan. Also, necessary steps should be taken to resolve the outstanding issues through dialogue and understanding, and collective efforts to serve the legitimate cause of the Kurdish people.

With regards to relations with Iraqi government, it was discussed in the meeting and agreed upon to emphasize the political agreements, the formation of the federal government and the implementation of the points of the agreements, and to resolve the outstanding issues based on constitutional rights.

In another part of the meeting, 17 members of the Central Committee were elected for the Political Bureau of our Party. The meeting authorised members and entrusted with the task of implementing updates and changes, as well as the tasks and recommendations made in the 14th Congress and to carry out changes authorized by the Party by-laws. 

In conclusion of the meeting, the members and cadres of our Party were thanked and reminded that the source of strength and energy of the continuity and victory of the Kurdistan Democratic Party are the loyal people of Kurdistan. 
Central Committee
Kurdistan Democratic Party
12 November 2022

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