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Message from President Barzani on the 62nd Anniversary of the September Revolution

The September Revolution stands as a pinnacle in the political, armed, and social history of the Kurdish people. Its mission was to safeguard our identity, defend the legitimate rights of the Kurdistani people, and establish democracy in Iraq. The leadership of the late Barzani during the Great September Revolution marked an unprecedented chapter of struggle, with participation from all regions of Kurdistan, encompassing diverse classes, religious beliefs, and ethnic backgrounds.


As we commemorate the sixty-second anniversary of the September Revolution, I extend my profound appreciation to all the dedicated revolutionaries, Peshmergas, the steadfast individuals and Cadre who contributed to this monumental revolution. Your unwavering commitment has etched pride into the hearts of our people.


Masoud Barzani

September 11, 2023

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Happy Bastille Day to the People and government of France and the Consulate General of France in the Kurdistan Region.

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President Brazani receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq.