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Statement from the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party:

Sadly, the Islamic Republic of Iran , using baseless excuses, once again launched a series of ballistic missiles and drones, targeting Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region which resulted in significant numbers of casualties.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) vehemently condemns this unjustified attack, which has led to the tragic loss of innocent lives, including women and children. This reprehensible act seeks to destabilize the Kurdistan Region, instigate chaos, and blatantly violates international law, infringing upon the sovereignty of both the Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

We urgently call upon the United Nations, the international community, and all parties opposed to terrorism and violence to unite against this aggression by the Islamic Republic of Iran. These repeated attacks must be prevented to avert further inhumane actions. The Islamic Republic of Iran, its allies, and the federal government are obligated to fulfill their legal and constitutional duties to protect the citizens and sovereignty of Iraq. They must no longer remain indifferent to these relentless attacks and aggressions.

Finally, we extend our condolences to the families of the victims of this criminal attack and wish a speedy recovery to the injured. 

Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party
16 January 2024

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Happy Bastille Day to the People and government of France and the Consulate General of France in the Kurdistan Region.

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President Brazani receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq.