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President Masoud Barzani welcomed British Ambassador to Iraq Steve Hitchen.

The ambassador conveyed his country's solidarity and support in response to the unjustified attacks by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards on the Kurdistan Region.

Expressing condolences for the loss of several civilians in the incident, the British Ambassador emphasized Britain's respect for the integrity and sovereignty of Iraq. He stressed the importance of preventing the region, including Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, from becoming a violence arena, urging mutual respect among neighboring countries.

President Barzani expressed gratitude to the British Ambassador and Government for their support and sympathy. He conveyed thanks on behalf of the Kurdish people and the families affected by the Erbil tragedy. Emphasizing the desire for friendly and strong relations based on mutual respect with neighboring countries, President Barzani condemned the Revolutionary Guards' attack on Erbil as a grave injustice to the Kurdish people and a violation of Iraq's and the Kurdistan Region's sovereignty. He asserted that such attacks would not break the will of the Kurdish people but rather strengthen it.

During the meeting, President Barzani highlighted the commitment to balanced and friendly relations, expressing opposition to tension and the deterioration of relations with any country. However, he made it clear that arbitrary decisions and policies imposed by any country would not be accepted, and the high and sacred values of the Kurdish people's legitimate cause would not be compromised under any pressure or attack.

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Happy Bastille Day to the People and government of France and the Consulate General of France in the Kurdistan Region.

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President Brazani receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq.