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Statement by the Political Bureau the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)

The Political Bureau of our Party met on Thursday, February 22, 2024 under the auspices
of President Barzani to discuss the latest developments in Iraq and the region. One of the topics of the meeting was to discuss the decisions of the Federal Court issued on Wednesday, February 21.

These decisions are contrary to the spirit of the constitution, the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan Region, the principles of federalism and the principle of separation of powers enshrined in the Iraqi constitution.

On this issue, the Political Bureau of our party emphasizes the following points:

1. Defending the rights of the components and supporting their participation in constitutional institutions.

2. Our party supports the Kurdistan Regional Government to continue its negotiations with the Iraqi Federal Government on the financial entitlements of the region within the framework of the constitution.

3. The decision related to the Electoral Law No. 1 of 1992 and the amendment of some of its provisions is contrary to the constitution and the nature of separation of powers.

Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party

February 22, 2024

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Happy Bastille Day to the People and government of France and the Consulate General of France in the Kurdistan Region.

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President Brazani receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq.