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Message from President Barzani on the 44th Anniversary of the Genocide of the Faili Kurds.

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Our Kurdish Faili brothers and sisters have endured immense suffering within the Iraqi state. Their sole 'crime' was to ardently support the Kurdish revolution and liberation movement while embracing their Kurdish identity. The forced expulsion and stripping of identity cards from hundreds of thousands of Faili Kurdish individuals, coupled with the tragic disappearance of numerous Faili youth orchestrated by the former Iraqi regime, constitute egregious crimes and severe oppression. These actions are part of a larger pattern of organized atrocities perpetrated by successive Iraqi governments.


It is imperative that the Iraqi Federal Government fulfills its obligations to redress these injustices by restoring confiscated properties, reinstating identities, providing just compensation, and actively working to eradicate the lasting legacy of the Faili Kurds' genocide.


As we commemorate the 44th anniversary of the genocide of the Faili Kurds, we solemnly honor the souls of the martyrs of the Faili Kurds and all those who sacrificed their lives in the Kurdistan freedom movement. The unwavering dedication and loyalty of our Faili brothers and sisters to the cause of their nation and the Kurdish liberation movement shall forever remain etched in our collective memory.


With heartfelt regards,

Masoud Barzani 

April 4, 2024

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Happy Bastille Day to the People and government of France and the Consulate General of France in the Kurdistan Region.

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President Brazani receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq.