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President Barzani receives Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Erbil

President Masoud Barzani received Mr. Klaus Streicher, the German Consul General in Erbil who paid a farewell visit to President Barzani on the occasion of the end of his tenure, as well as to introduce Mr. Albert von Wittk as his successor.

During the meeting, the German Consul General in Erbil praised President Barzani for his continuous support during his tenure in Erbil, expressing his appreciation for the hospitality and coordination provided by the institutions of the Region and the people of Kurdistan. The German Consul pointed out the importance of relations between the Kurdistan Region and his country and the need to for their continuity in the future.

For his part, President Barzani stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation and continuing relations between the Kurdistan Region and Germany, expressing his thanks for the efforts of the German Consul General and wishing success to the new Consul in Erbil.

The meeting also highlighted the Kurdistan Parliament elections scheduled for next October, where President Barzani provided the necessary clarifications in this regard, and stressed the need to hold fair and transparent elections and organize them in a calm and secure atmosphere.

Terrorist threats in Iraq and the region were another focus of the meeting.

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