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Speech by President Barzani at the Launch of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) List for the Sixth Term of the Kurdistan Parliament

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Dear KDP members,

Dear brothers and sisters,

You are all very welcome

On this significant day, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to you and to the entire People of Kurdistan. This is the day when our people decided never to allow their will to be broken, the day they stood tall and refused to surrender.

On the 25th of September, we are also announcing the campaign for the election of the sixth term of the parliament. I extend my congratulations to the esteemed candidates and wish them success. With the help of the great God and the determination of all the devoted People of Kurdistan, as the late Barzani used to say, every loyal Kurd is a KDP member. With the dedication of the KDP members, we are preparing for October 20, and we will achieve a great victory.

You must believe in yourselves. Prepare yourselves with unwavering hope and confidence. You must have faith in victory and not entertain the thought of failure. Each one of you must be fully committed to the belief that we will win, and with the grace of God, we shall win.

The Kurdistan Region is the product of great sacrifices, the blood of martyrs, the victims of Anfal, the valor of the Peshmerga, and the enduring struggles of the Kurdistan People . The KDP holds the honor of having shed much blood for these achievements and for safeguarding the dignity of the Kurdistan Region.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the People of Kurdistan for their resilience, their unshakable support in the face of foreign conspiracies, and their rejection of the ill intentions of some internal actors who sought to destabilize our region.

The KDP stands for peace, democracy, and coexistence, and we have demonstrated this not through words but through actions. Our desire is for the People of Kurdistan to live in happiness and prosperity. We seek the well-being and progress of our people.

As we enter this election campaign, I urge you to remain calm, refrain from violence, and avoid the use of harsh language. Do not allow yourselves to be dragged into unnecessary conflicts. Maintain the dignity of your party and your principles. Often, choosing not to respond to provocations is the most powerful response. When a response is necessary, let it be thoughtful and in consultation with the High Election Commission. Remember, "Who speaks too much often has little to show."

It is the responsibility of every KDP member, not only to come to the polls themselves, but also to encourage their family members, and all those they influence to do the same. On October 20, vote for List 190—the list that protects the dignity of Kurdistan, the list of the Peshmerga, and the list of martyrs.

Our candidates are our pride—our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters. There is no distinction among you, and I wish you all success. However, I urge you to refrain from making promises you cannot keep. Offer only what is realistic and achievable. Let your actions speak louder than your words.

We extend a hand of brotherhood to everyone, and if there is any party that believes it can achieve more by opposing the Kurdistan Democratic Party, I think it is better for it to return to history and learn lessons from it instead of insisting on opposing us."The KDP is not just any party; it is the party of martyrs, the guardian of their legacy. Those who have doubted our strength have often been proven wrong, and any who seek to divide us will fail.

There are some who we hear from time to time who bet on divisions within the party. The Kurdistan Democratic Party is one party with one unified decision. It is the party of martyrs and bears responsibility for the blood of those martyrs. The party is not like any other party; it has very serious obligations. So let go of these fantasies, because many who dreamed of divisions within the party or among its leaders, thinking it might help them create gaps, have taken their dreams to the grave, and the current ones will end up there as well.

Fortunately, there is a breakthrough with Baghdad and a good understanding with The Prime Minister Mr. Al Sudani. The Kurdistan Regional Government is making every effort to resolve these outstanding issues with Baghdad, and we hope to reach solutions to all the problems. This is our approach, and we want to address all these issues. Our policy with our neighbors is based on dialogue and understanding, aiming to establish the best relations with everyone.

Unfortunately, a few days ago, we heard some chauvinists saying that weapons should not be given to the Peshmerga and criticizing the fact that several cannons were handed over to them. My answer to them is this: The Peshmerga is a tree, nourished by the blood of the martyrs and the tears of their mothers. The name of the Peshmerga and its duty are very sacred to us. The Peshmerga was not created by anyone's decision and will not be destroyed by anyone's decision. The Peshmerga has protected Kurdistan with its will. Otherwise, there has never been a balance between the weapons of the Peshmerga and those of its enemies, but the will of the Peshmerga has always been stronger. The Peshmerga is never a threat because it is an disciplined force; the real threat is the chauvinism that still exists. The threat to Iraq and the region is this same chauvinism. The Peshmerga will not attack anyone who respects the dignity of the Kurdish nation.

KDP members,

After October 20, the whole world will be watching the region. They are watching what the next parliament will be like. I hope the next parliament will restore the dignity and sanctity of the legislative body. The region should have a parliament that will thwart all plans and attempts to undermine it. I hope that after October 20, there will be one region, one parliament, one government, and one Peshmerga force, and that all illegal activities will come to an end.

KDP members,

You, KDP supporters, and all loyal Kurds, I ask you to implement the instructions issued by the High Election Committee. I also call on all the members who have been assigned to fulfill their duties on and before the 20th of this month. If there are complaints, please postpone them until after the elections. It is not the time for anyone to complain now. God willing, I promise you that we will first try to reform ourselves and then ask others to reform.

Go to the polls with confidence and high hopes. Cast your votes, and remember to remain humble throughout the process.

Finally, I would like to thank the High Election Committee, all departments of the Political Bureau, provincial organization bureaus, all branches, and all the members who worked hard.

Good luck and best wishes; thank you very much.

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Substantial progress has been achieved in reaching common ground, particularly in discussions with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) regarding the formation of the next government cabinet.

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President Barzani receives Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Iraq